I Can Do It (Our Pioneer Trail adventure)

"I'd like you to take me ruck-sacking in Jennings Forest." That was my 77-year-old mother's request as we played Giant Jenga on New Year's Eve. "OK," I replied as I watched my husband wiggle another block free from the precarious tower on the dining room table. I didn't ponder whether or not my mother should be hiking, though I did wonder if she knew what "ruck-sacking" was. Certainly, I knew she could walk a nature trail, but should she really try doing it in a weighted backpack? My mother had a stroke last spring. The ER doctors didn't call it that, nor did the attending neurologists in the following days as we waited for her release. But what else could it have been? While raking leaves in her tiny front yard, she began to feel strange. Thinking she had simply gotten overheated, she went inside to rest, but while reading a book in her armchair, the words began to look like hieroglyphics. Wisely, she called 911. That was the...